SRT MiniServer
User guide

8.1. Encoders without Stream ID

SRTMiniServer successfully used with many software and hardware SRT encoders from Haivision, Kiloview, Teradek etc.
But some models use early version of SRT and does not support SRT-feature for access control ("streamid").

Simple way

So not all encoders support “streamid” feature yet (was introduced on SRT 1.3.3 only).
For this "old" encoders you can type "default" in few Lines inside SRT MiniServer.

Advanced way

Step 1: run SRT Mini Server --> Settings and turn on "use as start of range". Press OK and re-start SRT MiniServer
After this SRT MiniServer will use range of ports for listen incoming connections. If you use 4 lines and Listen Port is 9001 then range is [9001-9004].
NOTES: don't forget open this range in your Firewall or Router.
Step 2: goto top menu -->Quick Actions-->Ignore Stream IDs

select Ignore Stream IDs
So connection without stream id to port 9001 will be accepted to Line 1, connection without streamid to port 9003 to Line 3 etc.