ProxyAddon is an easy way for accept signal in Studio from Location. It does not require dedicated IP and port-forwarding manipulation. Just click and use:
To use Proxy Addon follow these steps:
Run SRT MiniServer and press "START" button
Navigate to the "INTERNET(Proxy mode)" tab
Select public server address in the drop-down list
Press “ON” to connect to the selected server
NOTES: SRT ProxyAddon is an easy way, but usage of dedicated IP is still preferred way for big studio and heavy traffic.
Change custom proxy– use this button to add/change custom proxy server. More details find here
Auto-connect– use this button to automatically enable the selected proxy server after starting SRTMiniServer. The button is available when connecting to a custom proxy
What is cons and pros of usage proxy addon?
Pros – you don’t need dedicated IP and port-forwarding setup. It’s perfect for using for mobile studios.
Cons – this workflow has 3 participants: Publisher–> Proxy-server –> Studio instead 2 participants for direct connection (Publisher–>Studio)
Where are located proxy servers?
Now we are providing few public proxy nodes in Europe.
Can I deploy my proxy server?
Yes, you can deploy proxy node on your server and it’s very easy.For example you can rent VPS from DigitalOcean or Scaleway or AWS and deploy proxy node. Many cloud providers allow hour-rate so you can turn on server only for event. See thisguide.
What about increasing the delay?
In our tests we did not see any noticeable increase in latency. In principle, a proxy server is like another router in a chain of routers.
Our Studio in USA has dedicated IP and we happy with SRT MiniServer. What is advantage of proxy addon we can get?
You can get advantage if your publisher in other country. Proxy node allows solve the “first mile” issue. More detailed explanation see here.
I use your proxy server and I got stream from other person. Why?
We provide few public servers ( etc).This server provides random port from pool for every ProxyAddon connection. And it re-uses port after ProxyAddon disconnection. For example you can got port 20313 but few days before somebody got this port also.Main point: he and you use SAME stream id, for example "streamkey1ABC" (default key for Line #1).It's why you got this feed. Stream id likes access key.
Solution: just change stream id.
Best solution: use owned proxy-server (it's easyguide )