SRT MiniServer
User guide

12.1.2. Start

When service "SRT Streamer PRO" is running (see here)  then you can go to "" in browser.
Workflow is:
1) create streaming profile in section "Streaming Setup".  Profile includes info about target server and encoding params. You can add many profiles for example for stream to few servers.
2) add one or more Stream. Each Stream contains information about source (for example SDI input) , the profile being used and additional info like "stream id"
3) start each Stream or all by button "Start all".

Step 1: Streaming Setup

In this window you need setup Destination host/port and parameters for streams.
SRT Streamer PRO will be capture sources and converts every feed to this format, encode and send to Destination server.
More info about this see here.

Step 2: add stream

Press button "Add stream".  In this window select Profile, source and type stream id.  When this stream will be started then it will use params from Profile (destination server, fps, bitrate etc).
More info about this see here.

Step 3: start stream

Use button "Start all" for quick start all streams.
Dashboard shows info about current streams.
More info about Dashboard see here.